Two things have happened recently. One, I started watching Letterman again and two, I am gonna write more.
So about Letterman. I watched that show religiously until we had kids and then I was always too tired to stay up and watch. So now that he is retiring, I decided I best get my fill. Thanks goodness for the DVR. Anyway, I watched last night and I have to say that he still makes me laugh out loud. Good job, Dave! PS: I think your replacement might be someone with which I can spend my late, insomnia fueled nights.
About my absence from writing. I have not been much in the mood to share. It started because I realized that my Facebook postings about politics really never accomplish much. Facebook and other social media are echo chambers where those who agree, like our postings and those who don’t, ignore them. So very rarely do I post political stuff (but still more than the average person). This reluctance to share my political musings has even stretched to my Examiner blog which is the one place I need to actually write about politics. Maybe after November everything still feels so hopeless and I still feel so powerless. What is the point? “But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard“. So maybe you will see an Examiner Blog in the near future.
As for this more personal blog, I suddenly felt the need not to share every part of my personal life. Again, I wasn’t sure if my writing was helping and if anyone but me was being served by my venting. I think it was my friend Nancy Cronk who said “Promote what you love”. So I have been trying to do that and trying not to vent. I don’t know how all this is working and if anyone has even noticed. I will just keep trying to be the shepherd of my own life.
So after some very disjointed thoughts about writing and its value (and random Pulp Fiction references), here is an equally random Top Ten List in which I vent and complain.
Top Ten Reason why Delana never sleeps:
10. The wind. The wind makes me crazy. Luckily, I live in the windiest place on earth.
9. Snoring. Since I don’t snore, this needs no further explanation.
8. “The bed is too big without you” I think that might be a Police song but it fits my life a few weeks a month. Taken in conjunction with #9, maybe U2’s “With or Without You” is a better choice.
7. Dogs. See a blog post from last summer.
6. Running. Sometimes my legs cramp up at night. Sometimes they just feel weird. I should probably run more.
5. Reading. The bulk of my reading is done between 10pm and 1am. This includes my “reading” of Pinterest.
4. Lena. Apparently, I can solve her insomnia problems which aren’t in sync with mine. Apparently, I can solve all problems but she only wants to talk about them at midnight on the very few nights that I am actually sleeping at that time.
3. Evan. Imagine that one kid was up until 1am expecting you to solve all the problems of the world and the other gets up when the sun starts streaming into his room. For those of you doing the math, that is about 4 hours of sleep.
2. Worry. What’s to worry about? My kids, your kids, your parents, money, Gaza, Ukraine, Putin. Because, despite what Lena thinks, I cannot solve all the problems but I try. Every. Single. Night.
1. Insomnia. Look it up. I am pretty damn sure that my picture is there next to the definition.